Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Lucky Chinese Zodiac Gems: The first six Chinese Zodiac Gems

When the Chinese Sky God and the Chinese Earth God decided to create Chinese astrology and connect the signs of the Chinese zodiac with the animals of the planet Earth, they concluded that each Chinese zodiac sign would need some kind of strong material that would represent not only the sign itself but also the development of a strong relationship, a spiritual relationship with individuals belonging to that sign.

Then, by studying the properties of gemstones, they assigned each gemstone a Chinese zodiac sign.

Let's talk about the properties of the first six lucky gems of the Chinese zodiac and their relationship to astrology and Chinese culture.

When the Chinese Sky God and the Chinese Earth God decided to create Chinese astrology and connect the signs of the Chinese zodiac with the animals of the planet Earth, they concluded that each Chinese zodiac sign would need some kind of strong material that would represent not only the sign itself but also the development of a strong relationship, a spiritual relationship with individuals belonging to that sign.


So the great Chinese deities created and collected twelve precious and powerful gems on planet Earth. These are: Garnet, Peridot, Sapphire, Pearl, Amethyst, Opal, Topaz, Emerald, Peridot, Katrina, Diamond and Sapphire. Then, by studying the properties of gemstones, they assigned each gemstone a Chinese zodiac sign. This gem will protect and bring good luck to the owner. Let's talk about the properties of the first six lucky gems of the Chinese zodiac and their relationship to astrology and Chinese culture.

Lucky Gem: Agate

Associated Chinese Horoscope: Mouse

Characteristics: Garnet is mostly associated with love, loyalty, passion, mental health and women's needs. Agate usually comes in deep red shades, which is why the Chinese like to call it "bloodstone". It is a very hard gemstone, which makes it suitable for wearing or decorating. The Chinese use pomegranate as an alternative remedy for severe sadness and depression. Small pieces of agate are traditionally given to Chinese pregnant women to help them conceive. It is also known to stabilize a woman's menstrual cycle. A Chinese legend claims that if you tie a piece of agate to your front door, it will protect your home from thieves.

Lucky Gemstone: Aquamarine

Associated Chinese zodiac sign: Taurus

Characteristics: Peridot is associated with peace, tranquillity, physical health, women and the spirit of the goddess. Aquamarine has a unique transparent blue colour that will bring calmness and mental clarity. According to Chinese mythology, aquamarine was created by the great Chinese god of the sea, who took the form of a sea monster. It was then presented as a divine gift to the Chinese sea gods to fascinate them. It is very common for Chinese fishermen to carry a piece of aquamarine to invoke the gods to bring them luck and protection when sailing. Traditional Chinese healers use it to treat digestive problems by dropping aquamarine jewellery into cups of water and of course removing it a few minutes after the aquamarine has taken effect.

Lucky Gemstone: Sapphire

Associated Chinese Horoscope Sign: Tiger

Characteristics: Sapphire is closely associated with guidance, enlightenment, money, prosperity, peace of mind, leadership, inner strength and confidence. The Chinese use it to send negative energy, evil thoughts and bring kindness and satisfaction. Chinese myths claim that sapphire will open your mind and show you the way to connect with your inner self and your God. Sapphire is commonly used in China for concentration and visualization exercises due to its remarkable ability to inspire and stabilize your mind. Sapphire is a gemstone associated with oracles, dreams and the art of seeing the past and the future. The Chinese call it the "Third Eye Stone" and use it to treat physical eye ailments or improve their vision.

Lucky Gem: Pearl

Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Rabbit

Properties: The pearl is associated with purity, purification, innocence and the feminine side of human beings. In Chinese culture, pearls are really powerful and are considered "tears from heaven" or "God's tears". A pearl is given to young unmarried Chinese women to help them find their soul mate. It is a gift that Chinese parents love to give their little girls when they reach their teenage years to keep them pure. It is also common among wealthy Chinese to drink alcohol with molten pearls to treat all kinds of ailments and ailments. The pearl is also used as a booster of strength and energy.

Lucky Gemstone: Amethysts

Associated Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon

Characteristics: Amethyst is associated with strong intuition, the brain, wealth, peace, protection and spirituality. The Chinese use it for many purposes. For example, it is common to wear amethyst jewellery if you drink heavily. Amethyst will protect you from sugar and keep you alert. It is also used in many parts of China, against all kinds of addictions such as smoking, alcohol and drugs. This magical purple gemstone is also used for spiritual purposes such as meditation or divination. The Chinese believe that amethyst will increase your psychic abilities and ability to protest. Many Chinese psychics and astrologers (including me) always carry a piece of amethyst with them as a divination tool. Last but not least, amethyst is used in China as a natural medicine against insomnia and bad dreams.

Lucky Gemstone: Opal

Associated Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake

Attributes: Opals are associated with direction, luck, honour, strength, visions, dreams and mental strength. In many Western cultures, opal is considered a bad stone. However, the Chinese believe that opal will bring luck and tremendous abundance to people whose lucky gemstones are opal. It is a very strange and mysterious gemstone with powerful magical powers. Chinese mythology refers to opal as the "stone of disappearance". It is also used to receive advice from spirits through dreams. The Chinese put it under their pillows to protect them when they enter the world of dreams while they sleep. Chinese media use it for spiritual journeys and to provide guidance. Opals can change their colours from dark to light depending on the mood of the wearer or to give a message to the owner.

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Weyden Minh is an eccentric Chinese astrologer with over 30 years of experience in divination and the Chinese zodiac system. Learn more about the twelve gemstones of the Chinese Astrologer to find free information about your Chinese sign and discover a way to connect with your soul and fulfil your destiny.

Lucky Gemstone: Amethysts Associated Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon Characteristics: Amethyst is associated with strong intuition, the brain, wealth, peace, protection and spirituality. Lucky Gemstone: Opal Associated Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake Attributes: Opals are associated with direction, luck, honour, strength, visions, dreams and mental strength. The Ultimate Secret Of LUCKY CHINESE ZODIAC GEMS: THE FIRST SIX CHINESE ZODIAC GEMS


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